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W Clover Lashes - Create Volume Lash sets in Classic time!

Updated: Jan 9

If you are in the Lash Industry, you will know that there are still many NEW types of lash extensions that keep hitting the market! This keeps our industry exciting and continues to allow it to evolve.

Let us introduce you to something NEW! W 4D Clover Lash Extensions. Freckle Lashes are proud to have been one of the very first in the UK to introduce these and we are just a tad excited to explain a little bit more about who can use them and what kind of lash styles you can create for your clients.

W Lashes may be known by a variety of names:

  • W Lashes

  • W Lash Extensions

  • W 4D Lashes

  • W 4D Clover Lashes

  • Clover Lashes

They are all the same thing, its just that some companies may name them differently.

They get the name Clover lashes, because of a 4 leaf clover... ahhh now the penny has dropped lol

Freckle W 4D Clover lashes can be used by any Lash profressional who has a qualification in applying Classic Lashes. Why? Because you pick them up off the strip, and apply it in the same way you would a Classic lash. Now the important thing is that you must ensure that you are ALWAYS attaching only one W Lash to one natural lash, to avoid damage to the clients natural lashes.


At Freckle, we only ever supply lash extensions that we know can be safely supported by the majority of clients, without overloading their natural lashes and causing damage.

Our W 4D Clover Lashes are made from 4 x 0.07 ( 0.07 = the thickness of each lash) extensions which equates to roughly 1 x 0.15 classic extension. So if your clients lashes can safely support 1 x 0.15 Classic extension, they will safely be able to wear Freckle W Lashes too.

If your client would usually only be able to support 1 x 0.12 lash extension, then these may be too heavy for their natural lashes to support, and therefore will be better suited to a 2D or 3D volume fan.


W 4D Clover Lashes have a longer base than pre-made fans, and have a wider base than a regular Classic lash extension. So this offers 3 great benefits!

Firstly, the longer base, helps create a darker lash line, as well as, creating fuller fluffy looking lashes at the tips. Clients often love that dark lash line, but it can be difficult to create with wide pre-made fans as they start much more like a V shape (so spread in to the fan quickly from the base)

Secondly, the flat shaped base of the W Lash Extension is slightly wider, so this can help with retention as the base has more surface area to grab the natural lash. There is more of a contact point between the W Lash, the adhesive and natural lash.

Thirdly, they can be used by Lash Technicians who are only trained in Classic Eyelash Extensions. This allows you to create thicker and full styles of lashes for your clients, without the need for Russian Volume Training. The being said, Russian Volume is a very skilled technique, and so if you want to enhance your skills and knowledge across the entire industry, then it would still benefit you to undertake quality face to face training in this area.


The very first pic of this blog shows a set I recently create. Here is another angle, using only Freckle W Clover Lashes...

W Lashes
W Lash Extensions


Absolutely! For maximum impact, you can apply 1 x Clover Lash to every healthy natural lash. This will give lots of fullness for your client.

If you want to create a softer set, but still make them look fuller than a Classic set, simply spread the W Clover lashes throughout the set, then infill around the W Lashes with Classic Lashes. Depending on how full your client wants the set, you can add as many or as few as you like. The more you add, the fuller the set will look.

Always bear in mind that all sets will look different on each client, for several reasons, such as them each having a different quantity of natural lashes, different eye shapes etc. So always make that clear to them

If you would love to give them a go, you can order from

We are proud to stock both Single and Mixed Length trays.

I hope this blog has helped! And we hope you will give Freckle W 4D Clover Lashes a try soon! Remember to tag us on Instagram and Facebook so we can share your beautiful work!

Click the image to order xx

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