Some of the biggest struggles for Lash Artists, no matter how experienced they may be, is getting to grips with their adhesive.
Many Lash Techs are quick to bash a brand, when they don't get great retention from their adhesive, but 99% of the time, its because they don't fully understand how to change the way their are using it to suit their environment.
Most Lash Adhesives are affected by both termperature and/or humidity. High humidity means there is more moisture in the air - this will set your adhesive much quicker than when it is lower. High temperatures can force the adhesive to struggle to cure, meaning retention issues or 'brush-offs' with your lash sets.
Sometimes it can be difficult to change or have control of your humidity and/or temperature, especially if you work on a mobile basis. Therefore, you may need to change the way you pick up your adhesive, to make it work best for you.
The best way to see what your temperature and humidity are in your working environment, is to purchase a little gadget called a Hygrometer. These are available in the Freckle Shop.

If your humidity or temperature is low, you should draw your extension in and out of the adhesive slowly. This way you should pick up a minimal amount and you should not be able to see it on the extension. You should then place it straight on to the lash without stroking/shimmying it on the natural lash. It is important that you ALWAYS have your natural lash isolated before dipping in to the adhesive, or else the adhesive can be curing before it makes contact with the natural lash.
If your humidity or temperature is high, you should draw your extension in and out of the adhesive more quickly so that you have 1 or 2 small beads at the base. When you place the extension on the natural lash, you should give it a shimmy to break the seal again, as the outer bead would have started to cure in the high humidity. Using too little adhesive in high humidity, means the adhesive is likely to have cured before it makes contact with the natural lash. This can result in poor retention or lots of 'brush-offs' at the end of your set.
If you would like to learn more about Lash Adhesive dipping methods, Lash Adhesive knowledge in general, why not take a look at The Lash Adhesive Bible. You can get an instant download to your email, or order a hard copy if you prefer a manual to keep hold of. Both options can easily be ordered via the Freckle Shop website.
Here's the direct link:
We have 3 Lash Extension Adhesives available at Freckle, each work best within temperatures of 20-25 degrees and within humidities of 40% - 70%. It does not mean you cannot use them outside of these ranges, but you will find best results between these guidelines.
You can order an adhesive, by clicking the photo below.